This Saturday, May 2nd at 11:30AM
Help us celebrate Marie Buchelt’s 85th birthday by participating in a surprise, drive by parade!
Marie hasn’t been out of the house since this crazy pandemic started, and could really use some cheer! With the help of the Lisle Police and Fire departments, we are hoping to get 85 cars… one for each year.
So, come on out, drive by, honk, yell, wave, whatever you’d like, we’re just asking you to be part of her special day!
If you’d like to decorate your vehicle, we will pass her home on the driver’s side, so get those horns ready! For those planning to drive by really fast, please put your name on your vehicle so she can see who you are as you blow by! And feel free to do a burn out in front of her driveway, she’d LOVE that!
We will start staging vehicles around 11:20 at the intersection of Smith and Elm Street in the Meadows subdivision. Enter the subdivision at Primrose Ave (off of Maple Ave) and follow the yard signs to South Road, where you’ll take a left, then turn left on Elm Street to Smith, or behind the line of cars.
Her address is 617 Kohley Road, Lisle, IL 60532
Overall directions: Take I-355 to Maple Avenue (West) to the second entrance of the Meadows Subdivision (stoplight) Primrose Ave, turn left (south). Continue to first stop sign, South Road, turn left (east), to Elm Street, turn left (north). Continue straight then stop/hold at the intersection of Smith and Elm Street.